Whether you teach math, social studies or general music, I know you want to facilitate amazing classroom discussions! You may want to give Alexis Wiggins’ version of the SPIDER Web Discussion strategy a try. She has been refining this strategy for seven years and shares her experiences and her rubrics!
While students are the ones discussing, the teacher is still the referee and master of knowledge, offering up the right question at the right moment, redirecting the conversation, correcting misunderstandings, and ensuring that students are being civil to one another.
Maybe that lesson you have planned for Tuesday of next week needs a kick… Try adding this strategy to your repertoire, and let us know how it goes!!
What a great strategy to try on if you are working on elevating your level of student discussion and questioning. Love her links to sample rubrics – holding students accountable for self reflection!
Yes!!! I’ve been trying to get kids self-assessing. Do you think 5th graders can pull it off?