This is one of my favorite strategies to teach my classes- and my life as a teacher has become so much easier since I implemented a few key steps. My teaching partner and I experienced our very first Turn and Talk as participants in a workshop by Bobb Darnell in 2008 and we’ve been using it with students and adults… Read More
Classroom Success Stories: Running on Autopilot
In a well-run classroom, the teacher is not doing all the work. He or she creates the conditions for learning, plans the lessons, tracks student progress. These are major tasks, no question about it! Students though…
Dittos & Worksheets & Packets, Oh my!!
So, your school department actually has a manual for you and it’s full of printables… They were designed by educators and statisticians… and people that must know more about teaching this content than you do… so why aren’t you students engaged? Well, I am writing this post to make sure you don’t “throw out the baby with the bath water!”… Read More
Improving Questioning & Discussion Techniques- 1 week Challenge
Let’s think about where we are starting! If you missed the rubrics I posted yesterday, you may want to check them out. Level 1: Questions are rapid-fire,and convergent,with single correct answers. All discussion is between teacher and students; students are not invited to speak directly to one another. -> Level 2: The teacher frames some questions designed to promote student… Read More
Are we asking too much? Who’s getting Shortchanged?
What would parents think if they knew? I find that the majority of first year teachers I support teach in multi-age, self-contained special education classrooms. Many of the challenges they face are unique to this setting and predictable to administrators and veteran teachers in the school. Many of these challenges are also driving potentially long term and high quality special… Read More